Code of conduct for suppliers

Our business model is leading us more and more to outline and structure our ethical standards of conduct and clearly define our corporate culture to develop a safe, merit-based and integrity work environment and values ​​such as honesty and attention to the people who are the basis of our corporate governance.


This has led us to adopt a CODE OF CONDUCT FOR SUPPLIERS, created with the aim of ensuring that your company complies high standards of safe working conditions, fair and respectful treatment of all collaborators.


The adoption of the code of conduct sets clear expectations for our suppliers and helps to protect the image of our corporate brand and invites the choice of procurement from companies in countries where environmental and labor laws are listed or widely applied.

Outset advanced on board technology


  • OUTSET SRL Società Benefit

    36066 Sandrigo (VI) Italy - Via Pacinotti 9

    Tel. +39 0444 751028


    Cod.Fisc/P.Iva/Reg.Imprese VI 02771380249

    REA 274056/Vicenza

    Cap. Soc. €65.000,00 i.v.

certificazioni TUV

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Tire pressure and temperature monitoring system
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