”TOWARDS GREEN TRANSITION" is an initiative of the European Commission and European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) to promote green transition skills.
We were selected and trained and advised on a number of green transition topics to become more resource efficient.
The tailor-made services focused on the specific needs and challenges of each participating SME.
Benefits of the project included operational advice for:
- • better resource efficiency of European SMEs within ECCP clusters;
- • support for green entrepreneurship;
- • better use of opportunities for greener and more efficient (supply) value chains;
- • easier market access for SMEs;
Technical support ranged from one-on-one instruction, guidance documents and direct counseling to workshops and webinars.
We have learned how to:
- • identify resilient business models;
- • choose our investments in a sustainable way;
- • optimize our choices to improve energy efficiency;
- • manage waste in order to be regenerative;
- • apply good circular economy practices to our daily lives;
- • set sustainable innovation goals.
The project was carried out with the collaboration of: