Vacuum sewer

The use of on-board weighing systems in the sewage sector is essential to ensure efficient, safe and regulatory compliant operations, improving the management of liquid and sludge materials and traceability of the waste. Use of our technology on your vacuum tankers means having real-time information on weight and a complete overview of drainage operations, allowing you to maximise efficiency and safety.

Outset advanced on board technology


  • OUTSET SRL Società Benefit

    36066 Sandrigo (VI) Italy - Via Pacinotti 9

    Tel. +39 0444 751028


    Cod.Fisc/P.Iva/Reg.Imprese VI 02771380249

    REA 274056/Vicenza

    Cap. Soc. €65.000,00 i.v.

certificazioni TUV

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Tire pressure and temperature monitoring system
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